The Dolls of Yesterday by Eleanor St.George



Eleanor St. George wrote a book titled The Dolls of Yesterday, which was released in 1948. It is a 200-year history of dolls and doll collecting in Europe and America. A lot of the book’s illustrations are black-and-white photos.

The overall history of dolls is covered in the opening chapter of St. George’s book. She mentions that dolls have been discovered in ancient archaeological sites. The development of dolls in Europe and America is then covered by her. She talks about the various kinds of dolls that have been created over time, as well as the various materials that have been employed to create them.

St. George goes into detail on doll collecting’s past. She points out that doll collecting has long been a well-liked pastime. She talks about the various doll collectors and the various motives for doll adoration.

The history of dolls and doll collection is well covered in the book The Dolls of Yesterday. It is a useful tool for anyone who wants to learn more about these subjects.

Here are some of the key points from the book:

  • Dolls have been found in archaeological sites dating back to the ancient world.
  • The development of dolls in Europe and America has been influenced by a variety of factors, including fashion, social trends, and technological advances.
  • Doll collecting has been a popular hobby for centuries.
  • There are many different types of doll collectors, with different reasons for collecting dolls.
  • The Dolls of Yesterday is a comprehensive and informative book on the history of dolls and doll collecting.
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